Time Flies: Residency One is about to commence...

WOW - where did those ten weeks since induction go?  I'll tell you where; in my room studying late at night after work and at the weekends.  Poor me!  

Some topics have been easier than others to keep the enthusiasm up about.  However, I definitely made the right choice with this course; 10 weeks of learning online and weekly online team meetings is just the right amount of time to keep me on track and focused.  I think if it was any longer than that, I would have waned.

I have popped some pics below of some of the work I have been doing; they are mostly of my Business Analytics class as I have found that structured well and engaged me the most (or kept me in line the most!).  Also; it looks impressive and shows I'm not just a pretty face ;)


So, here I am in my hotel in Tilburg taking a couple of days before Residency One commences on Sunday with dinner for the whole group.  We then have week one here in Tilburg and 0900 - 1700 covering Economics and Accountancy.  Then week two is off to Utrecht for Business Analytics and HR/ Organisational Behaviour. 

But before we get to that, let's discuss just how long it took for me to get my 50 minute flight from London to Amsterdam... my booking was for an 0740 flight which eventually left at around 1030ish in the end.  You gotta love a stormy May to send in the fog and delay everything.  What made it worse was it's half term so it was a rather busy airport...

This also meant that the trains times I had looked up were now all wrong.   But this is ME going to the NETHERLANDS - this basically means that I don't mind; it's a home away from home and not stressful in the slightest.  What DID make is a bit annoying was how hot it was; not fun at all.  But as long as you arrive safe and sound it doesn't matter how long it takes.

Anywho; I have checked in to a new hotel in Tilburg, and whilst it isn't in the centre of town, and there isn't really anything nearby it is SUPER nice. 

Sarah C