Purdue Induction
So we have commenced with out IMM Global Executive MBA programmer here at Purdue University. Theis cohort (group) is made up of 21 people from a very wide variety of disciplines, age groups and backgrounds.
The group is mainly American however there is also represented; Germany, Brazil, China, India, Nigeria, Saudi Arabi and of course the only UK representative; me.
The group is 27% female and with an average work experience of 15years.
We have jumped straight into the curriculum with lectures on statistics, analytics, accounting and more. Needless to say it has been jumping in the deep end, however it seems like a nice bunch of people and hopeful in 18months time we’ll all be graduating.
We have now seen the schedule of work we need to do when we’re not on our residential visits and let me just say; I’m gunna be extremely busy over the next 18months!
As we have a free evening, we’re all going walkabout around campus, thanks to one of our classmates who did his undergraduate degree at Purdue and the for dinner.